Friday 12 July 2024

Reilly? Reilly? Reilly?

News has reached Patgod Towers that Harry Reilly has left us for the semi-permanently flooded plains of Banbury United.  He goes with our best wishes, blah blah.

The news that he has departed Latimer Park wasn't half as shocking as the fact I seem to recall almost nothing about him.  The photograph on Banbury's twitter page of their new acquisition rang no bells whatsoever.  It could have been anyone.  Literally anyone.  Just an anonymous, pallid young man in a Banbury United polo shirt.

Barry Reilly's utter anonymity was compounded further when, chatting with the missus, I mentioned I thought he was a midfielder and was corrected, rather sharply I thought, that he was a fullback.  Oh.  Ok.  Fair enough.

I then suggested Garry Reilly was one of Leese's plethora of moderately talented signings only to be, once again, forcibly corrected.  Apparently he played for us under Glover.  Really?  If you say so.  

Even though I couldn't recall what Larry Reilly looked like, where he played or when he joined us I surely must be able to recall something he actually did in a Poppies shirt.  Other than warming the bench and being used as the least exciting substitute change ever.  But again, zip.  Nada.  Nothing.  How can someone who played for us for at least a year and a half have made no impression whatsoever.  I can recall short-term players of varying ability and presence from the recent and distant past with near perfect clarity and yet can dredge up nothing when it comes to Mary Reilly.

Then, the missus helpfully interjected yet again. in the way they do.  She reminded me of a dumb cross-field pass played across our 18-yard box away to Stratford towards the end of last season.  By a fullback who obviously assumed he was far more talented than he was.. He stupidly gave the ball away in front of our goal and soon we were 1-0 in arrears to the Singh-haters.  Ah, yes, THAT was Terry Reilly.  THAT I do remember.  


Good on ya Ally Reilly.
All the best for your spell with the Puritans
creating more unforgettable memories....

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