Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Diamonds Aftermath Part One - Imraan

Imraan, please, please do not see the imminent demise of the Direones as an opportunity to stick two fingers up to Pickering and the Council.  There's a very real reason that there's no club playing there anymore - the ground is a millstone around the neck of any club wanting to play there!

I don't believe for a second that you want to be the man who killed the Poppies.

I don't believe for a second you will go against the wishes of the vast majority of Poppies supporters and move our club out of town.

If nothing else, the Direones debacle has shown in the starkest terms possible the desperate need to run a club sustainably.  No more binge spending in August, followed by hideous cost cutting when it becomes clear we are not going to win the FA Cup!  Work out the budget.  Stick to it.  Treat the supporters with a bit of respect and not merely a hindrance to be addressed periodically. 

Build some bridges with the Council and the landlord.  Stop playing at football club chairman and actually be one, even if that includes doing some of the boring stuff, like ensuring the club is run properly.  Football isn't all about clinching that player on the phone and punching the air, on nailing down an agent in last few seconds before the transfer window closes.  It sometimes means making sure the club office has ink toner in the photocopier.  Boring, but necessary - particularly if we need to fax confirmation of that last minute signing to the FA......

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