Whether we'll ever find out the full ins and outs of last weekend's Managerial shenanigans is doubtful. Was Marcus making independent payments to players? Was he helping further their off-field employment opportunities? Who knows. Whatever it was, I can't believe the club were unaware of it.
All we're left with is an ambiguous twitter message from departing diving cheat Rhys Hoenes claiming someone had done something, somehow and broke some sort of promises. Why is it when people try to use Social Media to drop a digital hand grenade they're always so bloody vague? If Rhys has a genuine, actionable grievance why not spell it out in specific terms? Why hint and suggest when you can state the facts? The only reason I can think of is that he enjoys causing the fluttering Poppies Twitter community to have a prissy meltdown?
Now the dust has settled, we're short of one manager and we will also need a new player who can crumple to the turf at the drop of a hat.
Nicky Eaden has been named as the new Gaffer. We've no immediate problem with that. He has some experience of this level, as well as, ahem, knowledge of the expectations of Poppies supporters....
But, where, oh where is the obligatory photograph of our new Boss with a club scarf held proudly above his head? Since time immemorial such a pose, recorded by the local newspaper was the way or indicating the start of a managerial appointment. Forget signing a contract, or bringing in players. A £10 scarf, usually held the wrong way up, denoted that we had a new hairdryer & orange cutter in the dressing room.
C'mon Nick and the Northants Telegrpah. Sort it out.