Sunday, 3 October 2021

It's up for grabs now

So we’re up to 899. Or is it 898? And are Spurs actually on 900 or does that include 3 hanging chads which the recount will strike out?  And would any of this matter if Sam Banya hadn’t spooned that sitter back over his own head, defying the laws of physics, motion and slapstick comedy.

What started as a statistical curiosity is increasingly defining us. It is after all a pretty amazing boast to have, or have had. All time FA Cup leading goalscorers. I will admit I have put it out on the table more than a few times, usually when confronted with incredulity at supporting such a crappy little club. It does tend to impress.  And to the occasional smart arse remark like, yeah, but you come in so much earlier than the big clubs, the obvious answer is, and we go out so much earlier too.

If we can just nudge slightly ahead, and Spurs resist dumping Nuno, the record could be back at Latimer Park for at least another season.  This could start to feel like the Ashes, with the urn changing hands every few years, but with one party supremely oblivious of the other party’s claim on the prize – very much like the Ashes!  

Do not sack this man. Yet. 

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