Thursday 5 March 2020

Home Comforts?

An interesting fans forum?  Whatever next?  A football match?

What do we know now that we didn't know before?  Not that much.  We already knew Ritchie pays far too much attention to a handful of dickheads on social media.  We already knew that the people running the club these days are an honest bunch doing a good job.  We already knew that running a football club is a thankless task.  We already knew that putting a moderate player who lives in Manchester on a contract is a pretty dumb idea.

But there was more to this forum.

The meeting was run by Dave Mahoney and Neil Griffin, effectively playing good and bad cop respectively.  Dave told us of the exciting developments happening around the ground this season and over the summer.  Then, to stop us getting carried away, Neil weighed in to kick us all in the nuts over our constant whining, lack of numbers and delivered some home truths about football finance.  And you know what?  No one argued with anything he said.

Neil posed a very interesting question.  As we seem to be a below average supported club at this level should we really be looking to spend even more money that we don't have developing an inaccessible field closer to the middle of Geddington than the middle of Kettering as a future home when we will soon have a reasonably good facility in Burton?  An ad hoc show of hands didn't entirely rule out the possibility that we are starting to get used to our new home.  Is Frenchies Field more "Kettering" than Latimer Park?  Should the club spend an absolute fortune in the hope that missing fans will suddenly turn up?  Kevin Costner believed that if you build it, they will come, but where's the guarantee that would happen?

When further terracing and stands pop up at Latimer Park, and Paul Cox's new-look team hit the ground running next season, who knows, perhaps we'll start feeling more at home at home?

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