Tuesday, 20 April 2021

The Doctor is OUT!


Dr Stephen O'Brien has been a calming, authoritive presence on Radio Northamton over the past year or more.

During the pandemic he has succinctly explained the ever-changing situation, and managed to allay many fears and dispell some of the more outlandish covidiot theories.

The good Doctor has become such a comforting fixture on Radio Northamton that his sage advice is often given on subjects beyond his qualified calling.

Joining in with the furore surrounding the supposed new European Super League Dr O'Brien was most forthright in his condemnation of the latest cash-grab by our leading clubs.  

He was sufficiently annoyed he threatened to dump his Liverpool season ticket in favour of attending even more Northampton Saints rugby, and Corby Town football games.  Leaving aside the hilarity of everyone losing their collective shit over the proposed Euro-League THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN I wonder how long someone used to easy Premiership success would suffer the rugger-buggers at Franklin Gardens and frostbite at Steal Park.

Then, the good Doctor dropped his bombshell.  He admitted he was a Kettering boy and the Poppies were his "first love."  Perhaps, he mumbled, wreathed in embarassment, he should consider watching the Poppies.


Wow, just how many different clubs and even sports is this medico going to rack up?  He may have many laudable personal and professional qualities, but loyalty doesn't seem to be one of them.

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