Saturday 19 September 2020

Bale Strikes Again

 On the day, seven years ago, Gareth Bale signed for Real Madrid for the basic living wage of One Billion Pounds an hour, both us and Hinckley United stood on the precipice of extinction.  Obviously, we were reprieved to fight another day, but Hinckley United were no more.  Between us and Hinckley we owed the money Bale would have earned for a training session.

With terrible, yet predicitable timing, just as Gareth Bale decided to finally get his arse off the substitute bench at the Bernabeu, take a pay cut at Spurs down to £99,999,999 per hour, it's the turn of Macclesfield Town to be wound up.

As far as we're aware Bale isn't directly responsible for every small club that is finished over sums of money he will easily find down the back of his settee with a little rummaging.  But he is certainly the poster boy for much that is wrong with modern football where the sport as a whole prefers to bolster an individual's bank balance ahead of securing the integrity of grassroots football for thousands of people who have no say or power.

This yawn just earned Bale more than you and I will earn this week....

This yawn just earned Bale more than you and I will earn this month....

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